
Hey there!

My name is Jasmine. I am an artist from the UK. 

I created The Black Hawk Studio as a platform to share my passion for art and let you tag along on my journey.

You are probably thinking why 'Black Hawk Studio'. Well, when I was trying to think of a name for my business, I wanted one which was personal and unique to me. I am a family person and loved growing up in the countryside having adventures.

The reasoning behind the 'The Black Hawk Studio' is that my Grandad always tells me stories about when he was little and that him and group of friends used to adventure and explore the outdoors, most likely causing mischief, but most importantly, they were wild and happy. The band of mischief makers called themselves 'The Black Hawk Gang'.

So it only felt right to name my business 'The Black Hawk Studio' as I want my art to be wild and happy too.

Jasmine x